Welcome Beloved,
I am so glad you have found your way here, honouring your curiosity, and that little voice inside you, that's asking for more. Thank you for being here beautiful soul.
Hot Mess Empress is for you, and every woman and person with a V who is ready to say YES to themselves, to embrace and love all of who they are, from the Hot Mess, to the Empress within.
The Journey
Just what is Hot Mess Empress?
Hot Mess Empress is a 3 month Live Group Coaching Container, focused on creating a deep, meaningful relationship to yourself.
Your relationship to yourself, beloved, is the foundation to truly, and radically loving your WHOLE self. It is the path to unapologetic authenticity, and radiant power.
For 3 months, course participants are invited into Live Zoom classes, connection calls, invocations and deep somatic healing and breath work practices.
Our work together, beautiful soul, will focus on deeply healing, and integrating the parts of you that feel hard to love. Some call this shadow work, some inner healing or self awareness. Whatever it is called, it is this work that widens our capacity for joy, self love, connection, pleasure, authenticity and power.
The Syllabus
For 3 Months, beginning February 1st, participants are invited to join live classes every Thursday evening from 7-9 PM MST.
Included are opening and closing ceremonies, 9 workshop style classes offering lecture, group sharing/coaching and somatic embodiment or breath work practices.
The container also offers 2 connection calls, which will open with a Goddess Invocation, and offer the opportunity for participants to connect, ask question and receive live coaching.
In addition, each participant will receive three 1:1 coaching sessions, one before Hot Mess Empress begins to be scheduled in January, one mid course in March, and another post program in May.
Pre-Course 1:1's
January 2024, a one hour 1:1 Zoom call scheduled at your availability.
Worth the Mess
February 17th
Embodiment of worthiness begins with self compassion, and the courage to follow your fuck yes.
Opening Ceremony
February 1st
Course Introduction, Shadow & Light Invocation, Exploring Your Heart's Desire
Messy Revelations
February 22nd
Letting go of the 'good girl' conditioning, and embodying your power and authenticity.
Messy Origins
February 8th
Understanding your system, and how to unlearn the conditioning that exists in it.
Connection Call
February 29th
Kali Invocation
Mid-Course 1:1's
March 2024, a one hour 1:1 Zoom call scheduled at your availability.
Undeniable Hotness
March 21st
Shifting body shame to body worship, healing wounds of not-enoughness, embodying the "all-that-ness" that you are.
Empress Rising
March 7th
Being in service to yourself as well as others, reclaiming your sovereignty & redefining how you show up in the world.
Connection Call
March 28th
Hekate Invocation
Trinity Wounds
March 14th
Mother Wound, Sister Wound, Witch Wound and how these show up and impact all aspects of your life.
Hot 'n' Messy
April 3rd (Wednesday Class)
Activation of your pleasure super power, for healing, manifestation and more.
Empress Enraged
April 11th
Meeting your sacred rage as a mentor, and source of wise, embodied power.
Post-Course 1:1's
May 2024
One hour 1:1 Call, scheduled at your availaibility
Empress Embodied
April 18th
Redefining power, and meeting yourself as a Hot Mess Empress.
Course Portal
Participants will have access to the Hot Mess Empress Course Portal, which included
- Class recordings
-Audio recorded meditations & Practices
-PDF Workbook with Journal Prompts
-and more....
Closing Ceremony
April 25th
Lilith Invocation
Ritual Self Devotion Practice
All participants will also be given access to RICH BITCH, a self paced online program to support you in healing money wounds and activating your wealth potential.
Meet Your Teacher
Hello beloved,
My name is Krystal, and I have the great honour of facilitating Hot Mess Empress.
I am deeply passionate about this work, because I know how hard it can be to go though life feeling lost, and overwhelmed, but I also know how fucking incredible it can be, and how much life can change, and feel brighter and more vibrant when we do the work.
I always felt like I was simultaneously too much, but also not enough. I made myself smaller, more pallitable, and jumped through hoops to prioritize the comfort of everyone around me, until I barely recognized myself.
I made the very hard decision to say YES to me, and began to work to create a life I could feel amazing in, where I could feel free, and love all of myself. Was it easy? Fuck No. I won't sugar coat anything. But was it worth every second.
In fact, it was so worth it, that I have made it my life's work to support other women & folks with V's in their journey to radical self love, unapologetic authenticity and radiant power.
It is through all of my own experiences, challenges and trainings that Hot Mess Empress has been born. This 3 month journey is here to offer you a safe and welcoming home to be as messy as you need to be, to fall the fuck apart, and to rise as the Empress you are. The best part, is that you could even learn to love every part of it, from the Mess, to the Empress.
My work is deeply trauma informed, as well as IFS informed. I am a triple certified VITA Coach, specializing in the Empowerment of Women & V-Owning persons.
I invite you, beautiful soul, into this invocation of YourSelf. Your magick, your power, your compassion and your wisdom. I invite you to follow the part in you that is saying FUCK YES, to be daring and brave, and maybe, just maybe, fall madly in love with yourself.
With Infinite Love and Magick,
Krystal Jannelle (she/her)
Thank you Gorgeous
It is such a beautiful honour to have you stop by.
Here's a little summary of all the important Hot Mess Empress information for you.
Program runs Feburuary 1st to April 25th, with online classes every Thursday from 7-9 PM MST.
Classes are recorded and uploaded next day.
The online course portal makes it super easy to keep track of all course materials.
Hot Mess Empress is a deeply trauma informed and inclusive program.
Facilitated by Krystal Jannelle, triple certified VITA coach, trauma and IFS informed practitioner.
Includes three 1:1 coaching sessions. ($420 value)
Investment is $888, and a payment plan of 4 equal monthly ($222) payments is available.