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A long, long time ago, when I was 13 years old & inexplicably drawn to all wild and magickal things, I dreamt about living in the woods, all by myself, and often would pretend I had healing powers. I knew deep down that there was a part of me that craved freedom, and authentic expression, but didn't think that I was allowed to let that part of me be seen. 


Due to being mocked and shamed by my peers in school, scolded for self expression that went outside "normal" in a small, conservative rural town and rejected by what felt like everyone, I got lost from my truest self, and even began to hate her. 


One day, (many years later) I realized that I had given up on a part of me that was brilliant, wild and full of wisdom. 


Around that time, I also happened to enroll in my very first official training, to become a yoga teacher. My love the wildness in me began to rekindle. 


I became quietly obsessed. I fantasized about being free, authentic and really loving all of myself. I did a deep dive on shadow work, trauma, spirituality, sexuality and nervous system wellness. I even many years reading, studying and training so that I could embody all the things I had been craving. 


Over time, loving my wild self became more and more like second nature. People began to ask me for advice, classes and insight about magick, rituals, empowerment, and sexuality. Of course, the path wasn't without challenges. For a few years I struggled with trying to please everyone, misalignments and failed program launches. 


But like all true love, nothing could keep me from the allure and fulfillment of helping women set themselves free through ritual and shameless self love.  That's when I started to understand that almost every woman I met faced struggles so similar to mine, that so many of us have been shamed away from who we really are, and been unable to fall in love with ourselves. 


When I am fully embodied in my wild, magickal self, I feel like and Empress, wild, free yet tender and rooted deeply in my knowing. 


And I want to share that energy with you, beloved. That's why I created Shameless. It's the most intimate program I've ever conjured. The thing I feel most aligned with, and the container I am trusting will have you feeling at home in yourself, believing that every single part of you is worthy of love, and experiencing the freedom that comes from being madly in love with your wild authentic self.


Come, sweet soul. Come join us in this initiation into the possibilities that falling madly in love with YOU can offer. 


Mondays beginning March 4th for 4 weeks, 1-3PM MST

(all calls are recorded if you cannot attend live) 


Investment $260 (4 live calls plus four 30 min 1:1 sessions)

Payment Plan of $130 for 2 months.


Intimate container, only 8 spaces available.


Come play, beloved. Set yourself wild soul free. 

What We Do

Module 1

Tear it Down

- Exploring the things that are keeping you stuck, from personal, biological and societal influences.

-Freedom Ritual to create safety in your body


Module 2

Trust the Wild

- Listening to your own wild, beautiful wisdom, regardless of what others say.

-Boundary Shield Ritual to get clear on what you will, and will NOT allow.

Module 3


- Discover what ignites your soul, brings you true joy and pleasure

-Wildness Ritual to set you free from obligations and expectations.

Module 4

Mad Love

- Leaning into your Fuck YES, mapping out the life you want to create.

-Devotion Ritual, a deep & beautiful commitment to yourself.

Tl; Dr

Shameless is an online coaching container, for women & AFAB persons.


WHEN - Mondays, 1-3PM MST March 4-25th


DURATION - 4 Weeks of 2 hour live classes (recorded)

                       - 4 Thirty minute, 1:1 online coaching calls


WHERE - On the Zoom baby!! (online)


INVESTMENT - $260 or 2 monthly payments of $130


WHO - Facilitated by your friendly neighbourhood

             Self Love Witch, Krystal Jannelle 


HOW - Online Course Portal

-PDF Workbook

-4 Live Calls

-4 1:1 Sessions

-Somatic Embodiment



WHY - So that you can experience the freedom that comes from falling                     

madly in love with yourself, and live the life you have always  dreamed of.



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