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Body~Soul Reset

When life gets busy, overwhelming and you begin to feel tired, depleted and just icky, it can be an indication that your body and soul need some nurturing. 


Ayurveda is an ancient practice, centered around moving with the rhythms of nature, and the energy of the elements.  Often called the Sister Science to Yoga, (although my teacher calls it the Mother), Ayurveda teaches us how to live in sacred union to self, how to nourish our physical bodies through food, herbs and intention. 


A Body~Soul  Reset offers you the opportunity to slow down to find stillness and connection to yourself.


This offering is entirely self paced, online. It offers a guided Ayurvedic cleanse, as well as nourishing soul care practices to support you as we move into the season of letting go. 


This Offering includes:

An online portal where you will find resources like:

~meal plan



~Ayruveda 101 class

~journal prompts

~somatic practices

~breath work practices and more


Investment for this 5 day journey is $36.


Click here to join the Body~Soul Reset Journey. 

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